Request for proposal


The reputation of “LogisGeotech” has been built on responsibilities to the clients for support and service maintenance of sold equipment. Engineering supervision of delivered equipment is one of the most important fields of concern for our company. For more than 20 years we have been providing diverse support to our customers within Russian Federation, as well as CIS and other foreign countries.

Our company provides implementation, warranty and post-warranty service support of manufacturing range of geophysical equipment, performs free training for clients who have bought it, and organizes online conferences, seminars during the equipment’s operation.

We carefully consider customers’ remarks; take into account their preferences while improving mass-produced devices and developing the new ones. Besides, we pay closer attention to reliability standards enhancement and operation properties’ upgrading of the delivered equipment.

Engineering and technical facilities of the company, staff composition and qualification allow performing the whole spectrum of activities, starting from idea creation to mass-production and setting into operation modern and highly-efficient geophysical equipment. We also perform investigations of the most advanced, potential and up-coming trends.
